Collegium Polonicum Słubice

Collegium Polonicum in Słubice (CP) is a joint scientific and education institution answerable to the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań and the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). It is also one of four branch campuses of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań. In 2021, the institution celebrates its 30th anniversary.
Collegium Polonicum (CP) has a truly international character. Over 20% of its students are foreigners.
Collegium Polonicum has also become a venue for scientific meetings involving students and lecturers from all over Europe.
Depending on the field of study, graduates receive Polish and/or German diplomas or joint diplomas (AMU / Viadrina), which open new career opportunities.
Studying literally on the border of two different countries offers unique opportunities.
Collegium Polonicum is located next to the border bridge connecting Słubice and Frankfurt (Oder). Although the two cities are separated by a river and people living there use different languages, this can be a great opportunity for students to experience and learn about cultural differences.
Studying on the border in a mixed culture and diverse language environment is indeed special. Students have access to some of Poland’s best dormitories, financial support, and they can enjoy leisure activities, as well as various cultural, sporting, scientific and social events.
- Courses
Collegium Polonicum provides joint courses run by partner universities, namely Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, and European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). These include
- German Philology with a specialisation of Intercultural German Studies,
- Polish-German Law Studies (in Polish and German),
- Cultural Studies with a specialisation in Intercultural Communication (in English),
- and Master of Digital Entrepreneurship (in English).
Courses offered by the European University Viadrina at Collegium Polonicum include Preservation of European Cultural Heritage (in German) and Culture and History of Central and Eastern Europe (in German). Collegium Polonicum also offers courses for foreigners, such as Polish Studies.
- European New School of Digital Studies
Since 2020, Collegium Polonicum has been home to the European New School of Digital Studies (, an English-language unit that combines the Viadrina's expertise in entrepreneurship with information technology competences of the AMU. It conducts research and provides studies on digitalization in the global context.
- Meeting Centre
Collegium Polonicum is also a conference and cultural centre with its largest hall that can seat up to 420 people. It is a perfect place for organising conferences, symposia or seminars, as well as cultural events, such as concerts, theatre performances and exhibitions. The university hosts festivals, e.g. transVocale, Musica Autumna and the Festival of New Art lAbiRynT. You can develop a passion for theatre by participating in annual student theatre meetings Unithea. Every year, Collegium Polonicum hosts dozens of events organised by the university itself and by external institutions.
- Conferences & Events
Academic conferences organised jointly with AMU faculties play an important role at Collegium Polonicum. The largest of them is a scientific conference "Europe of the 21st century" organised in cooperation with the Faculty of Political Science and Journalism. Collegium Polonicum also hosts meetings as part of the Polish-German Senior Academy, and major annual events include the Education and Employment Fair, as well as a number of workshops and lectures as part of the Europe Day and the Open Door Day. Collegium Polonicum has the Students' Legal Guidance Service, where law students provide free advice to those in need. The profile of Collegium Polonicum is also complemented by auxiliary institutions, such as the University High School (run by AMU), Karl Dedecius Archive, the Foundation for Collegium Polonicum and the "My Life" Archive.

Collegium Polonicum is a place where international cooperation and integration are part of everyday work and study. It is a unique multicultural institution, ideal for studying and learning on the Polish-German borderland.
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